Welcome to Kerr County ESD3

Our mission is to serve.

Emergency Services Districts (ESDs) are authorized by the Texas Constitution, Article 3, Section 48-e, and Chapter 775 of the Texas Health & Safety Code.

Kerr County ESD3 is a governmental entity funded by property tax revenue to help support various operations and equipment needs of the Center Point Volunteer Fire Department which provides fire protection and emergency services to the community.

ESD3 Funded Projects

Empowering our community's first responders.

Kerr County ESD3 funds projects from state-of-the-art firefighting equipment to community safety initiatives. Our ESD3 funded projects are dedicated to enhancing emergency response capabilities and ensuring the safety and well-being of Kerr Country residents as well as for mutual aid responses.

(left to right) Kathleen Vincent, ESD3 Secretary | Amy Palmer, ESD3 Treasurer | Jeff Mitchell, ESD3 Vice-President | Danny Langbein, ESD3 President | Rich Paces, Kerr County Pct. 2 Commissioner | Charles Holt, Chief Center Point VFD | Larry Littrell, Assistant Chief Center Point VFD

Kerr County Emergency Services District 3 Takes Delivery of New Tender for Center Point VFD

The new Tender 8-4 is a 3,000 gallon Vacuum Tender with a 1250 GPM fire pump.  This tender carries two 3,500 gallon drop tanks and allows firefighters to transfer water from the tender to the drop tank for use by firefighters  while the tender goes to the closest water source to refill. The new Vacuum Tender allows firefighters to draft water from a source with as little as 2 inches of water and 65 feet away or 45 feet vertically.  The 3,000 gallon tender can be filled in under 3 minutes.  Due little live water and no water hydrants in the service area being able to quickly supply water to brush trucks and engines at a fire scene is imperative during fire responses.  Tender 8-4 allows Center Point VFD to not only respond quickly, but also maintain an ISO test of 250 gallons per minute.

Team of firefighters posing on the side of a firetruck

(left to right) ESD3 Commissioner Danny Langbein | ESD3 Commissioner Jeff Mitchell | Vice-President | ESD3 Commissioner Amy Palme | CPVFD Chief Charles Holt | CPVFD Assistant Chief Larry Littrell | ESD3 Commissioner Kathleen Vincent | ESD3 Commissioner Kari Potter

Kerr County Emergency Services District 3 Takes Delivery of New Spartan Engine for Center Point VFD

The new pumper/rescue Spartan Engine 8-3 was custom built by Metro Fire in Houston, TX.  It is equipped with a 2,000 GPM pump and a 2,500 gallon drop tank, a full set of extraction and stabilization equipment, air bags for assisting in lifting vehicles and rescues, and the new Scott air packs equipped with Bluetooth bone conducting microphones for firefighter communication.  

Center Point VFD already has a 2,500 tender with a 2,500 gallon drop tank that will be used with the new engine and new tender. When the call comes in for a structure fire, Engine 8-1 is the first to the structure with 1,000 gallons of water to start putting out the fire. The new Spartan Engine 8-3 is right behind to hook up with the 1,000 gallons of water that it has. Engine 8-4 along with other CPVFD apparatuses increases water capacity to extinguish a fire. Firefighters can set up the drop tank from the new Spartan engine, and the tenders start filling it. With the new Engine 8-4 and Tender 8-3 working together with other CFVFD apparatus firefighters can provide water totaling about 7,500 gallons to start fighting the fire.

ESD3 financing for Engine 8-3 and Tender 8-4 is provided locally by Peoples State Bank.

Team of firefighters posing on the side of a firetruck

(left to right) ESD3 Commissioner Danny Langbein | ESD3 Commissioner Jeff Mitchell | Vice-President | ESD3 Commissioner Amy Palme | CPVFD Chief Charles Holt | CPVFD Assistant Chief Larry Littrell | ESD3 Commissioner Kathleen Vincent | ESD3 Commissioner Kari Potter

(left to right) Kathleen Vincent, ESD3 Secretary | Amy Palmer, ESD3 Treasurer | Jeff Mitchell, ESD3 Vice-President | Danny Langbein, ESD3 President | Rich Paces, Kerr County Pct. 2 Commissioner | Charles Holt, Chief Center Point VFD | Larry Littrell, Assistant Chief Center Point VFD

Kerr County Emergency Services District 3 Takes Delivery of New Tender for Center Point VFD

The new Tender 8-4 is a 3,000 gallon Vacuum Tender with a 1250 GPM fire pump.  This tender carries two 3,500 gallon drop tanks and allows firefighters to transfer water from the tender to the drop tank for use by firefighters  while the tender goes to the closest water source to refill. The new Vacuum Tender allows firefighters to draft water from a source with as little as 2 inches of water and 65 feet away or 45 feet vertically.  The 3,000 gallon tender can be filled in under 3 minutes.  Due little live water and no water hydrants in the service area being able to quickly supply water to brush trucks and engines at a fire scene is imperative during fire responses.  Tender 8-4 allows Center Point VFD to not only respond quickly, but also maintain an ISO test of 250 gallons per minute.

Side view of a command vehicle
Firefighting equipment loaded at the back of a truck
Equipment panel at the side of a command vehicle

Command 8-1

ESD3 provided funding for equipment needed on the CPVFD Command 8-1 vehicle:

Makita chargers, reciprocating saw, chain saw, TNT tool, SCBA air cylinders, Paratech tool, and refrigerator unit.

Side view of a command vehicle
Firefighting equipment loaded at the back of a truck
Equipment panel at the side of a command vehicle
Firefighting Equipment
Front view of a firetruck

1997 Spartan Engine 8-1

ESD3 bought the engine to add firefighting capability with the 1,000 gallon water tank with 1,250 GPM pump and a cab that has 5 SCBA seats for firefighters.

Front view of a fire station

CPVFD Station update & repairs

ESD3 provided funding for the update and repairs for Station 1 to restucco the exterior and repair concrete CMCU walls.

Front view of a fire station
Firefighting uniform and gear

Fire Dex structure gear

ESD3 provided funding for jackets, pants, boots, lightweight Bullard helmets for firefighters.

Contact Us

In an emergency dial 9-1-1.

For non-emergency contact you can reach us through Commissioner email addresses or through our mailing address.

Kerr County Emergency Services District 3
P.O. Box 101
Center Point, TX 78010

ESD3 generally meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 PM at the Center Point Volunteer Fire Station, 548 Kelly Street, Center Point, TX 78010.

Members of the public may attend the posted public meetings.

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